Honey Red Bean Cupcake

By Rumblingtummy @RumblingTummi
Some time back, I experimented with making Honey Red Bean and I still have some left in the fridge.  So today I shall incorporate it into a cupcake for the tea break.

The first time I saw this method being used was in the baking school that I am attending.  This method of baking really cuts down on washing and it is easy.This lovely Honey red Bean Cupcake is so easy to put together.  Literally one bowl + one small bowl for the egg separation.

Learning: The texture is soft and fluffy and with the added beans, it gives an interesting bite.  This can be kept for 2 days and still soft.For the 1st time, my cupcakes did not have cracks.
What you need:yield: 15 small cupcakes3 egg yolks3 egg whites60g castor sugar30g rice bran oil80g cake flour 80g honey black beanA little black sesameMethod:Preheat oven to 160℃.   Lined muffin pan or use muffin liners.Whisk egg white with sugar until medium peak.Add egg yolks and light whisk until incorporated.Whisk in oil until combined.Sift in cake flour and fold gently.Add in honey black bean and mix well.Pour into muffin pan/liners and sprinkle some black sesame seeds on it.Bake for 13 - 20 mins.Transfer cool on rack.Enjoy!
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