Honey Char Siu 蜜汁叉烧

By Awayofmind

To be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of eating Char Siu, when I was living in Singapore whenever I ate Wanton Noodles, I would ask the hawker not to add Char Siu but add more wantons. Just because I don't like the red color meat!! Never cross my mind one day I will making my own Char Siu with my own red rice wine :) My Char Siu is with strong rice wine aroma!

Has been marking Carol's Honey Char Siu recipe for sometimes, I love her recipe because she didn't add food color in her meat. To make a succulent Char Siu, you have to get your meat right! I have no choice but to use pork lion, I cut away the skin but purposely leave behind some fat portion, but still some portion of the Char Siu is too dry for me. If you have choice use the fatty meat portion to make this Honey Char Siu. This is another easy recipe which I recommend you to try!Last week, I made this Honey Char Siu for a friend farewell gathering. She is leaving Doha for good, going home to the country where she comes from is a happy thing. For us as friend we are happy for her on the other hand we are sad as she is a kind and great friend for many! In Doha, time always move too fast, people come and go. This round I'm the one staying behind. Cheers for friendship! 

Recipe adapted from Carol, 不藏私料理厨房,p30-31 with changes
1kg pork lion, cut into 1 inch thick strips
1 stalk spring onion, cut into length
5 slices of ginger
1 bulb garlic, finely chopped
1 egg
some honey (to apply during baking time)


1 tbsp mirin
3 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sesame oil
150ml red rice wine or cooking wine


1. Place the pork lion strips in a big bowl, add the cut spring onion, garlic, ginger, egg and all the seasoning. Make sure to rub the mixture on both side of the meat, cover and marinade it for at least 3 days in the fridge. In between, has to flip the meat so that it is evenly marinated ( I marinated for 4 days)2. I cut the skin of pork lion just before place it into oven. In the oven, place a cup of hot water.3. Lay all the meat on the wire rack, put into the preheat oven at 200C. After baking for 20 mins, take out the meat and apply honey on both side, flip the meat and continue baking for 20 mins. Take out the meat again and apply another layer of honey, continue to bake for 10 mins. (The baking time is varies depends on the capacity of your oven)4. Slice the meat into thin slices before serve.