Homosexuality Reduces Life Expectancy: Gays and Lesbians Live 20 Years Less Than Straights

Posted on the 19 September 2017 by Calvinthedog

James Schipper:

Dear Robert

Your claim that gays and lesbians live on average 20 years less than heterosexuals of their gender is incredible. That is a huge difference. What are your sources? I’m quite willing to believe that gays live on average not as long as heterosexual men, but 20 Years?! As to lesbians, what could possibly cause such a big gap in life expectancy between them and heterosexual women?

Regards. James

I don’t have the studies right in front of me, but this is a repeated finding in social science. The gays refuse to accept it though, so we have to keep going back and doing it over and over. It was thought that discrimination had something to do with it, but the finding was recently replicated in Sweden and Denmark. Also this finding goes back to the pre-HIV era I believe. It is notable that only 2% of gay men are over 65. Most of them simply do not make it that far.

To be completely fair, the most recent study of all in Canada did not find a 20 year reduction. They found a 14 year reduction. Just as stereotypes would suggest, lesbians are often overweight. Obesity is a chronic finding among lesbians and it is thought that it contributes to the reduced life expectancy. Also lesbians smoke far more than straight women. They also drink quite a bit more alcohol. These findings go back forever. In addition, lesbians have extremely high rates of breast cancer for obvious reasons.

As far as why gay men don’t live as long, I am not sure what the reasons for that are. Obviously HIV is a factor, but this was going on even before HIV. I suppose the best answer is that the lifestyle that many gay men choose to live is not a healthy one that leads to a long life.

The reason most of you have never heard of these figures is because of our fanatically pro-gay culture in the West. You simply cannot write anything negative about these saints in human form called homosexuals. If you do, you’re a bigot. The gays are getting to be just as bad as the Jews and the Blacks about wearing their glorious victim status as a proud badge. Furthermore, there are people who do talk about facts like this along with many other less than flattering facts about homosexuality (mostly about gay men) but there has been a decades long campaign waged against these people calling them liars and basically evil people.

A very prominent one is Paul Cameron. There have been calls to throw him out of the American Psychological Association and the American Sociological Association due to his findings. Furthermore, he has had to publish his findings in obscure journals because no mainstream journals of psychological “science” and sociological “science” will accept his work. Further, these groups have claimed to speaking in the interests of science when they bash Cameron’s work. It is frequently stated that everything Cameron says about gays is a lie. His finding that homosexuals live 20 years less than straights has been bashed because he did this study over a period of time simply by reading obituaries and adding up the ages of the people who died. Nevertheless, there were a number of studies after Cameron done with much better epidemiology that replicated his findings. Psychological “science” never discusses these studies.

To be fair, Cameron is a pretty nasty fellow and he definitely hates homosexuals, especially gay men. He recently came out in favor of a bill in the Ugandan Legislature that called for the death penalty for men arrested for homosexual acts. Nevertheless, ad hominem is a logical fallacy as old as man himself and anyone with a brain knows that ad hominem attacks are always false on their face. Still humans simply cannot accept how a horrible person could be right about much of anything (presumably they can’t even tell if it is day or night) much less that could be right about many things.

Here’s some news for all of you out there who can’t think, which is the vast majority of you:

Good people are often wrong, and bad people are often right.