Hometown Hunt: El Matadero, Madrid

By Lottilou @LOTTILOUL
I am a graphic designer and a hardcore art lover so what I really enjoy in Madrid and what I would recommend to everyone who is coming to the city, is El matadero, wich is defined in the master plan as a great laboratory of interdisciplinary contemporary creation linked to the city. A general forum for exchanging ideas on culture and values of a contemporary society. Open to all types of creation, it brings the facilities for meetings and dialogue between creators and the public.The center was created in 2006 by the city hall, which gave the mandate to "promote research, production, training and dissemination of creation and contemporary thought in all its manifestations." Its areas of activity are: visual arts, performing arts, literature and reading, thinking, music, film, design, fashion, architecture, urban planning and landscaping.
Hangar 16 Matadero-Madrid Iñaqui Carnicero Architecture Office


La Cantina

And where I would definitely have lunch is at La cantina, located inside el Matadero at few meters from Manzanares river.
Created by the owners of Olivia te cuida, its an amazing vanguardist space where appart from having good time and eating you can enjoy concerts, screenings, events...
The stars of the place are quiches, handmade desserts and sandwiches. Ecological and gourmet food.
So if you are visiting Madrid it is worth to visit El Matadero and its installations. And if you are a "Gato" and you have never been here, you should definitely go for a cultural and interesting day. Have a look to all next activities. Also you can book your ticket tough Eventbrit which offers a variety of services for people who want to host or attend local events; it’s user-friendly for everyone, it allows attendees pay for tickets or admission online, and it’s free for free events!line, and it’s free for free events!