Homeschooling Resources

By Joysautismblog @joysautismblog

When we decided we wanted to homeschool I started looking everywhere for resources. I quickly got overwhelmed and ask some friends who homeschool for help and they had some great advice. As of yet I have gotten pretty much all of our material for free. I try to be frugal, we have four children after all and my husband is the only one bringing in an income. When I started seeing all the resources I could get for free or for very low prices I was excited to see what I could put together to use. A printer and a laminator were two things that I felt I needed to get, so we got those. I wanted to share what I’ve done so far but I am just a beginner in this homeschooling thing so I’m not an expert by any means…I mean…we’re only on day 2 of homeschooling.

Shortly before school started I was invited to check out a website that would be useful for autism and I quickly realized that it would be a great resource for homeschooling too, It’s called Lesson Pix and you can make custom learning materials there. You can definitely make your PECS from this site which have been a really important part in Adrian’s communication development. I’ve had the chance to check out the site briefly and I have used it a little bit. It’s really fun and I could spend hours on there so I’m sure I’ll have more projects to share in the future. Here is a couple things I’ve made so far:

This is a little kingdom play set I made for Nevaeh, I used cardboard and glued styrofoam to the back so it would stand up. Then I glued the characters to clothes pins so they could be attached to the cardboard either for storage or for a kind of puppet type thing, then I just glued a little scenery to the cardboard. The girls have been playing pretend with it quite a bit and they come up with all their own ideas of what to do with it too:

The other thing I made is something for Nevaeh too. We’re working on counting and these are number puzzles. They have so many images to choose from, you really could look all day. I chose some fairy pictures for Nevaeh’s puzzle because I knew she would like that:


I also wanted to share a few of my very favorite links:

Little Giraffe’s Teaching Ideas
Scott Foresman Science & Math
And there are tons of options for printable worksheets if you google it but this is one of my favorites Super Teacher Worksheets

And that’s about it for me because I’m crazy tired. It may take a while to adjust to this new schedule!