I get excited about paint colours, fabric patterns & soft furnishings. I can't wait to decorate my new house & transform each room. All the furniture from the old house was efficiently placed into the appropriate rooms by the removal men, but it's only now...6 months down the line... that I'm starting to rearrange the rooms & figure out what works best where.
You'll have seen from earlier posts that the kitchen and bathroom have already had mini-makeovers, using up paint from the old house and a few purchases of mirrors, shelving & storage accessories.
The 'playroom' or dining room has also had some changes recently. I was given some B&Q vouchers from my sister for my birthday with which I bought some more paint. My dad's wife had suggested a better layout of the furniture which I eventually did (thanks Jo!) & it all works much better!
Next on the list is the living room. My new Marks and Spencer sofa arrived (purchased in the sale & put onto a credit card!) and it's glorious to have something comfortable to sit on. Pure bliss! I've started painting the walls (navy, inspired by my sisters house) and just need to put on the second coat. A wood burning stove & a plush carpet are on my wish list for this room, but funds won't allow it just yet. But I can dream for now & write out my (never ending!) list...
These stoves are beautiful!
Something I'll need sooner rather than later is a desk chair for my hallway landing office space - at the moment I don't have a chair & have to keep dragging a dining table chair upstairs - I'd love a Ghost chair in either clear or grey:
I've also been lusting after a new bedside lamp - I'd love something with a bit more impact & have been craving these ones for a while!
Carpet for my stairs & hallway are also on my list...the current carpet is blue, it's rather grubby and not to my taste at all. But I'm living with it obviously until I can afford something along the lines of these:
Finally (well for this post anyway!), a bench for the garden... I'd love a bit more in the way of seating so we can have more space to entertain. The warmer weather must surely be on its way and there have been a few sunny days in Glasgow lately!? I'm envisaging garden parties & lots of BBQs :)
Watch this space for how I get on!