Homemade Pumpkin Noodles 南瓜手工面

By Awayofmind

When come to buying a kitchen tool for myself, I'll not always go for the latest or advance technology. That day when I want to buy the Imperia hand roll Italian pasta machine I was standing in the shop for a long times, because I have the KitchenAid machine and is so convenience for me to attached the pasta cutter gadget to the KitchenAid body! The price difference between the hand roll machine and the gadget for attaching to KitchenAid is not a lot. Eventually I opt for the hand roll machine and wooden pasta drying stand.

I have to said that it is fun making your own noodles with hand roll pasta machine. I saw many hawkers in Singapore selling the hand made noodles 手工面 using this type of hand roll pasta machine, until I used it myself then I know how good the machine is! I love the fact that it is able to adjust the noodles dough into six thicknesses and you are able to attach varieties of cutter to the main body as you wish.First thing come to my mind is using the pasta machine for pumpkin noodles! I love it, just love the fresh and no chemical egg noodles! There is a recipe used by many blogger on pumpkin noodles, I know Carol the Taiwanese famous blogger has one recipe in her noodles book too. As I was running short of plain flour and didn't want to swing out at the middle of the day, I added 50g of bread flour to my noodles. It turned out well and I love the soft bouncy noodle texture I made! 

Good addition to the kitchen! 


(yield 3 bowls of noodles)
200g plain flour
50g bread flour
100g butternut, steamed, peeled and mashed
1 egg, lightly beaten 
1 tsp salt
more plain flour for dusting the dough

Method:1. In a bowl, add all flour, mashed pumpkin, egg and salt. Use hand to mix all together and knead into smooth dough. About 10~15 mins.2. Divide the dough into three portions, let it rest for at least an hour. You may put in fridge overnight too. 3. Dust the clean worktop surface with flour, use the rolling pin to flatten the dough. Dust the dough with more flour.4. Adjust the the dial for pasta machine to thickness "6" which is the thickest, slowly roll the dough over. 5. When the whole piece of dough has been rolled over the machine, adjust the dial to "5" and repeat step 4. Then adjust the dial to "4" and until your desire thickness. I stop the dial at thickness "3"6. Roll the dough over the pasta cutter. Cut the noodles using a scissor. (Dust with more flour if the dough is sticky) Hang the noodles to dry on the wooden noodles stand. 7. Cook the noodles in boiling water and run over the noodles in cold water before serving in bowl and with the broth you desire. 

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2014 Event: PUMPKIN) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Mui Mui (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Eileen (Eileen's Diary)