Homemade Maryland Blue Crabs

By Msadams @HilaryFerrell

Hilarys I Phone Drop 5.6.2012 096 650x485 Homemade Maryland Blue Crabs

Even though I try to eat as vegetarian/vegan as I can, there is one meat I can assure you that I will never give up–CRABS!

Being Maryland born and bred has given me an incredible appreciation for these delicious blue creatures.

I’ve been particularly spoiled because my Dad actually knows how to steam crabs.  So I grew up with home steamed crabs at nearly every special occasion and even for no reason at all.

This weekend was no exception.  I spent the weekend at my parent’s house since Mr. A was out of town.  When I asked my Dad what he wanted to have for dinner Saturday night a tiny part of my brain was hoping that he would suggest crabs.  Luckily, that’s what he had in mind too.

Hilarys I Phone Drop 5.6.2012 087 650x485 Homemade Maryland Blue Crabs

He came back home with these huge crustaceans.   Besides spoiling us with homemade crabs, he also spoils us by only buying the large or extra large ones.  Want to steal my Dad yet?

Hilarys I Phone Drop 5.6.2012 088 650x485 Homemade Maryland Blue Crabs

To get them ready for steaming, he added a layer of coarse salt.

Hilarys I Phone Drop 5.6.2012 090 650x485 Homemade Maryland Blue Crabs

Then drizzled some mustard.

And added some Old Bay mix (it’s Old Bay and some other spices–you can pick this up at any crab store).

And finally some more salt.

Now the crabs were ready to be steamed over a mixture of beer and apple cider vinegar.

About 30 minutes later, the whole family gathered around the table to dig into these beasts.  I’m slobbering now just thinking about it.

We spent the rest of the night digging into the crabs (some had an easier time than others) and just talking and laughing.

There’s absolutely nothing that compares to eating home steamed crabs.  They are amazingly juicy and succulent.

A few hours later all that was left was this huge pile of shells.  But what the shells don’t show is how much we laughed and enjoyed each others company while we made this huge mess.

So many of my life’s greatest memories involve my family sitting around a newspaper covered table with our fingers smothered in Old Bay just bs-ing around.

Thanks Daddy for always making those memories possible!