Homemade Lipbalm- Honey, Rose & Greentea

By Nonibaumann

Meanwhile I´m quite a bit into making homemade cosmeticsguess I mentioned that already!?There are actually many simple recipes out there in the www
and it´s so much fun, to try something new, look what happens and maybeadd a little personal note to it.
simple- and you actually know whats inside your careproducts, plus these make pretty gifts ...
One of my current favorites is making homemade lip balm,
it´s so easy! just a few simple natural ingredients,
and lots of possibilities to vary them :

You´ll need :
( makes 4-5 small portions)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons organic rose blossoms
(fresh or dried)
1/2 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon green tea
+ a little of your favorite lip color if you like

Melt the oil with very low heat, add the ingredients
and let it rest 10- 13 minutes on a warm place,
( so that it doesn`t solidify)
use a sieve and pour it into small beauty containers/jars.
let it rest in a cool place until it gets set.

That´s basically all ! So this fun won`t take you any
longer than 15 minutes, so happy essaying!