Homemade Lemon Ginger Turmeric Wellness Shots

By Thepickyeater @pickyeaterblog

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My easy recipe for homemade lemon ginger turmeric shots is the perfect way to get a boost of health and nutrition into your day! In just 10 minutes you'll have a flavorful, potent juice that offers so many benefits for your overall wellness. I love that this can be made with only a few simple ingredients - no juicer required!

With two kids and being constantly on-the-go, I'm always looking for easy ways to give my immune system a little boost, or find things that help promote overall wellness. So when my favorite smoothie bar started selling immunity shots, I knew I had to create my own at home for a simple, budget-friendly version!

That's where my lemon turmeric ginger wellness shots come in! This recipe is packed full of good stuff and is a great way to get your daily dose of turmeric!

With the combination of tart lemon, fragrant ginger, and vibrant turmeric, the end result is a beautiful, bright-colored mini-juice with bold flavors. I even add a touch of black pepper to these homemade wellness shots to maximize the turmeric absorption ( source).

You'll soon be setting aside those sugary fruit juices and energy shots, because this recipe is going to become a favorite in your house!

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🥘 Ingredients

I only use 4 main ingredients to make this ​​lemon ginger turmeric shot recipe - and everything can easily be found at your local grocery store! See the recipe card at the end of this post for full nutritional information and daily values.

Fresh Lemons: Not only does lemon add the perfect touch of citrus to this delicious ginger turmeric shot, it also is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids. The antioxidant properties provide immune system support and anti-inflammatory properties ( source).

Fresh Ginger Root: Ginger is also an amazing food to help decrease inflammation, soothe upset stomachs, and boost immunity ( source 1, source 2).

Ground Turmeric: Turmeric powder has become increasingly popular for its anti-inflammatory benefits and is often used within Ayurvedic medicine! It contains the polyphenol, curcumin, which is the key active ingredient to help reduce chronic inflammation, improve digestion, and promote heart health ( source).

Black Pepper: A pinch of black pepper helps to maximize the absorption of turmeric in the body and is an important addition to these ginger turmeric lemon shots.

Water: I use 1 cup of water in this ginger shot recipe to bring everything together and slightly dilute the bold flavors for an enjoyable experience. Use warm water to help infuse the ginger more effectively.

🔪 How To Make Lemon Ginger Turmeric Shots

Follow along with these simple steps below on how to make turmeric shots with lemon and ginger - you can also view my video at the bottom of the post for help with making it!

Juice Lemons: First off, I slice the lemons in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl.

Grate Ginger: Using a fine grater, I grate the ginger directly into the juice.

Add Rest Of Ingredients: Next, I add the turmeric, black pepper and water. Whisk to combine.

Strain Into Bowl: Finally, I transfer the lemon juice mixture to a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth. I strain the liquid over a measuring jug or bowl and then pour into shot glasses. I recommend enjoying these ginger lemon turmeric shots immediately!

📖 Variations

Add Cayenne: I love to turn up the heat with a final garnish of a little cayenne pepper over top of the lemon ginger shots.

Add Sweetness: Sometimes I prefer a sweeter taste so I add in some raw honey or maple syrup to the juice before pouring into individual shots. This reduces the sourness of the lemon and the spice of the ginger. The honey also tends to be so soothing when my family gets sore throats.

Lemon Ginger Smoothie: Whenever I am craving a refreshing yet healthy snack, I love to add this fresh juice into a smoothie with whatever fruits or veggies I have on hand!

More Add-Ins: Feel free to add other vegetable or fruit juices to these turmeric and ginger shots. Some of my favorite additions include beets, carrots, oranges, and pineapple.

🍽 Serving Suggestions

This turmeric ginger wellness shot can be served alone, or feel free to garnish the shot glasses with a lemon slice. If you want to enjoy a full on healthy morning routine, you can pair these shots with my favorite breakfast recipes including:

🫙 Storing And Reheating

Refrigerator: These ginger lemon shots are best served immediately for full potency and maximum benefits. However, they can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 days in an airtight container or mason jar. My recipe makes 10 shots so if you are making it for just yourself consider storing about 4 ounces for the next few days and freezing the rest for later use.

Freezer: To freeze, I'll first pour the juice into ice cube trays and freeze for up to 2 months. Allow to defrost when you are ready to enjoy the wellness shots!

❓Recipe FAQs


Just one turmeric ginger lemon shot per day is enough to see benefits like improved digestion and reduced inflammation. This is a potent recipe so you do not need to go overboard!


Yes! For most people, taking these lemon ginger turmeric shots on an empty stomach will be perfectly fine. In fact, it can actually be the most beneficial way to have the shot. If you have a sensitive stomach or this is your first time trying a juice like this, feel free to dilute with a little water.

Can I use bottled lemon juice, or is fresh lemon juice better?

While techincally, you could use bottled lemon juice, I prefer sticking with fresh lemon juice for this recipe! Personally, I have noticed that fresh lemon juice is better for making turmeric ginger lemon shots. The fresh lemon juice has a brighter, more vibrant flavor and is free of preservatives, whereas bottled lemon juice does often contain preservatives and additives that can affect the taste and reduce the health benefits.

What type of turmeric should I use-fresh or powdered?

For ease of prep, I recommend using turmeric powder instead of fresh turmeric root. While fresh turmeric is equally potent, turmeric powder reduces your prep time significantly so I think it's worth it! You can use fresh turmeric if you wanted - just keep in mind that for a substitution, 1 teaspoon of powdered turmeric equals 1 tablespoon of fresh turmeric.

📋 Recipe Card

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