Homemade Kiwi Fruit Jam Recipe (100% Preservative Free)

By Sangeetha

Want to know how to make homemade kiwi fruit jam recipe? Here it is.

In today's world of ready-made everything, homemade jams are like a breathe of fresh air.

Homemade jam tastes fresher than the packaged jams or spreads. The 3- ingredient kiwifruit jam is packed with flavor, taste and antioxidants. The jam can be made in a few minutes and goes well with bread, roti, rice, variety parathas and dosa. You can also use the jam as a topping for cakes and cupcakes as well.

For many moms jams are the easiest way to make their fussy kiddos finish off chapathi, paratha or dosa as part of a breakfast or snack. Most of the store-bought jams are loaded with too much sugar and preservatives to make them last longer. So the best thing about homemade jam is that its preservative free and you can manipulate the sugar content.

This kiwi fruit jam can be served to kids above 10 months.

For this super-simple and super-quick recipe we will be cooking the kiwi fruit along with sugar and lemon juice till we get a jam-like consistency. I usually make these jams over the weekend and use it throughout the week.

Health benefits of kiwi fruit:

Kiwi fruits; the emerald delights are a nutrient dense food, meaning they are high in nutrients and low in calories.

  • Excellent Source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K, thus helps to maintain a good immune system
  • Provides fab amount of antioxidants and minerals (especially potassium and copper)
  • Good Source of dietary fiber
  • Protection against respiratory problems like asthma, wheezing, cough etc
  • Protection of DNA in nucleus of human cells from oxygen-related damage
How to select the right kiwi fruit?

For selecting kiwi fruits, hold one fruit in your hand and gently apply pressure. Those that have the sweetest taste will yield gently to pressure. Avoid those that are very soft as they may be spoiled/over ripe.

If the kiwifruit are not ripe/hard on touch, it can be left to ripen for a few days to a week at room temperature, away from exposure to sunlight or heat.

Homemade kiwi fruit jam recipe - preparation method:

Heat kadai and add chopped kiwi fruits, sugar and lemon juice. Keep stirring on low flame till the kiwis form a jelly consistency.

Once the mixture has started to leaves the sides of the pan, jam is cooked. To confirm, take a plate/saucer and put a drop of jam on it. Tilt the plate, and see if the jam is set. If not, let it boil for another minute, then test again until set.

Switch off the heat and let the jam cool.

Note: for larger quantities , one may need to cook them for more time. Do confirm using the plate/saucer test.


  • You can also add a pinch of black pepper/dash of red chili powder for a different taste (like chutney)
  • In case, you like jams without fruit chunks, you can grind the kiwi fruit and make the jam.

Moms, do try making simple homemade jam recipes and chutneys for your little one. That way, they will have a better understanding of taste & the advantage of health as well.

You can store this jam at room temperature for 2-3 days and in refrigerator for up to 10 days (may be longer but my stock gets over before that). Additionally, you can choose to freeze as well.

Hope you all liked this simple yet yummy homemade kiwi fruit jam recipe. Do let us know your feedback in the comments section.

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