Homemade Fig Newtons with Rosemary & Goat Cheese

By Bigcitylittleblog @feakins

I attended a superbowl party recently a while back. The hostess was graciously serving up appetizers of all kinds, pizzas, and decadent baked goods for dessert, and I offered to bring a little something to contribute. What do you need for a superbowl party? Something bite-sized, delicious, and easy to eat with your hands. Sausage rolls seemed like the perfect snack and I just so happened to have puff pastry and banger meat tucked away in the freezer for such an occasion. The only problem: the hostess in question is a vegetarian.

Sausage Rolls

Rather than skimp away on the sausage rolls completely, I decided to use half of my puff pastry for them and half for a fig, rosemary & goat cheese puff. Ridiculously simple, fast, and all-around awesome.

Homemade Fig Newtons

What You’ll Need

  • 1 puff pastry sheet (1/2 package of Pepperidge Farm)
  • 4 oz. soft goat cheese (President)
  • 10 figs, finely chopped
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 1 sprig of rosemary leaves, finely chopped
  • immersion blender
  • rolling pin
  • baking sheet

Step 1

Preheat oven to 350F. On medium heat on the stovetop, let the honey, rosemary, and figs infuse together for 5-10 minutes or until the mixture becomes syrupy. Use a handheld  immersion blender to form a gooey consistency.

Step 2 

Roll the sheet of dough into a long rectangle about 1/4″ thick. Spread the soft cheese lengthwise, followed by the fig and honey mixture. Tip: For even MORE mouth-watering flavor, you can add slices of thin prosciutto here too!

Step 3

Brush the egg wash onto one side of the dough as an adhesive and then roll the other side over. Use a fork to seal the ends, if necessary. Brush egg was on the top to create a golden crust. Slice into 1 1/2″-2″ pieces and poke a small hole in the top of each piece.


Place on a baking sheet and bake at 350F for 15 minutes or until golden brown on top. Let the fig and goat cheese puffs cool slightly before serving them. Et voilá! Home-made fig newtons. Gourmet style.

Click to view slideshow.

Don’t forget to facebook or tweet me if you try this recipe. I love feedback and I’d like see how yours turns out!