Homemade Eye Spy Game

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

Thank you to my sister in law for this idea!

This is a great game to make with your child and something to keep them entertained on long car journeys!

What you will need:-

An empty plastic bottle or tub with the label removed (we used a quality street tub)

Lots of small trinkets – we used items such as small animals, a lego man, a peg, lollipop sticks, a small car, a cork, craft items, a srew etc.  Anything small that you can fit it the top of the bottle/jar!

A bag of rice (we used 1kg Sainsburys basics long grain rice)

Some glue

Eye Spy Collage

How to make it:-

Remove the label from your bottle/jar and clean off any of the sticky glue.  Put in the trinkets and treasures you have found (making sure you have made a list of them first!).  Fill jar/bottle with rice then glue on the lid (unless you want rice all over your floor!).

Your child should now be able to find any item by rolling and tipping the bottle/jar!

A simple and cheap game that is fun to make.  The only thing we bought was the rice which cost 40p!  Little Mr A had a lot of fun finding things to put into it.