Homeland, Homeland! Uber Alles!

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Adask

“Homeland” = North American Union?

Senator Diane Feinstein (Dem. CA) supports and defends spying on the American people by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Below, you’ll see a 37-second video of Senator Feinstein presenting a recently “declassified chart” (right) that lists 54 terrorists “events” that have been stopped by means of the spying conducted by the National Security Agency.

Of these 54 terrorist “events,” 13 were in the “Homeland,” 25 in Europe, 5 in Africa, and 11 in Asia.

It’s interesting that of the 54 events thwarted by the National Security Agency, 41 of them (76%) occurred in Europe, Asia and Africa and therefore outside of our “Nation”.  My first thoughts are to wonder 1) Why our National Security Agency stops three times as many terrorist events from occurring outside of our “nation” as they do within our “nation”;  and 2) Why the NSA should be justified in spying on Americans if 76% of the terrorist events which the NSA stops occur in foreign countries.

Why not let the foreign countries take care of their own terrorist events?  Why must the US be the world’s policeman?

My questions are answered in part (or perhaps further confused) by the recently “declassified chart” (above) wherein the NSA reveals that the “Homeland” is not the United States, per se, but instead consists of Canada, the United States, Mexico and perhaps several Central American countries.

The “declassified chart” does not make clear whether Hawaii–which is clearly not part of North America–is or is not part of the “Homeland”.  Is it possible that Hawaii is outside the “Homeland” and, if so, does this help explain why President Obama plans to retire to Hawaii after he leaves the White House?

In any case, the Department of Homeland Security cannot be accurately described as the a “department of US/National security”–but might be described as a “department of North American security”.  Further, the term “Homeland” is almost identical to the former “North American Union” (NAU) except that the “Homeland” appears to also include several Central American countries immediately south of Mexico which were not part of the NAU.

The “Homeland’s” boundaries revealed in the “declassified chart” may explain why the “Department of Homeland Security” does little to prevent the invasion of millions of illegal aliens from Mexico into the United States.  Apparently, the “Homeland” consists of virtually all of North America as a single, continuous “economy” and therefore may not recognize or enforce any border between Mexico and the U.S..

•  The publication of this “declassified chart” is evidence of how stupid and panicked the government is over Edward Snowden’s exposure of NSA spying.  Government appears to be so fearful of both the domestic and international repercussions of the spying scandal, that it’s trying to prove that the NSA is protecting the world against terrorists.  That, presumably, explains the reason for admitting that 76% of the terrorist plots were discovered outside of the United States and/or the “Homeland”.  Like all agencies of big government, the NSA is not merely “here to help us” (the people of the United States); it’s also here to help the whole world.  Given the number of foreign terrorist plots that the NSA has exposed, foreign countries should be glad that the NSA is spying on them–and for them.

Insofar as the NSA’s protections extend to Europe, Asia and Africa, I presume that the governments of those regions are beneficiaries of the NSA spying and therefore, to some degree, complicit in that spying on their own people.

Insofar as NSA spying extends globally, we might presume that the NSA is central to the existence and operation of one-world government and the New World Order.  I doubt that it’s true, but it might be argued that the NSA is the NWO.  More likely, the world’s central banks are the heart of the NWO–but the NSA may be their “strong, right arm”.

•  I see the release of this “declassified chart” as evidence of government’s panic and consequent stupidity because the chart reveals for the first time that the “Homeland” is not the United States nor The United States of America, but includes virtually all of North America.  I’ll bet the damn fools were in such a panic to mitigate the foreign nations’ anger over being spied on, that they didn’t realize what the chart would reveal to the American people.

•  Finally, if the “Homeland” consists of all or virtually all of the nations in North America, then it may follow that the Department of Homeland Security may be operating under international law.  If that were true, then it may also follow that if you were assaulted by “Homeland Security,” your defense might begin in international rather than domestic law.

If anyone assaulted by “Homeland Security” could introduce a copy of the “recently declassified chart” that reveals the true boundaries of the “Homeland” into evidence in his defense, it might be very difficult for gov-co to convince a jury that the accused was guilty of diddly.  Once a jury understood that the “Homeland” was not the United States and had no lawful existence under our Constitution, that jury should be unlikely to rule in favor of the prosecution and “Homeland Security”.

Exposing this “declassified chart” to the public was really, really stupid.

Can anyone tell me what part of the Constitution authorizes the President, Congress or the Senate to enter into international agreements that surrender US sovereignty and subject the American to living in a New World Order without their knowledge and consent?  If not, can anyone tell me what part of the Constitution would protect these American politicians from being charged with treason, tried and–if found guilty–hanged by the neck until dead?

If this treason isn’t stopped soon, everyone from the North Pole to the Panama Canal may soon be goose-stepping to the beat of “Homeland, Homeland!  Uber Alles!”  Seig Heil, baby!  Seig Heil!

video      00:00:37