Home Wares

By Astylizedhysteria

Yes, I am still in home decor mode. Also, I still can’t quite find the best place to take outfit pictures in my new place and I have an irrational fear of taking photos outside and looking like a crazy person. How do you other fashion bloggers do it?!

Anyway, I’m trying to pace myself when it comes to decorating and cleaning. I was all “Clean All the Things” over the weekend and found myself exhausted and on the verge of a cold (presumably from cleaning up gross boy germs). So from now on, little steps.

A fancy new showerhead. My roommate keeps his head shaved so when I mentioned that the lack of water pressure made it difficult to wash my hair, he was unmoved by my distress. Whatever. Some fancy googling led to Water Management, a Boston-based company that touts the best showerheads to increase water pressure. I’ll be sure to review when I get it!


While I’m in the bathroom, how adorable are these soaps?? They’d totally be for decor, not bathing.


An easy take on artwork for the bathroom? How about placemats? They’re affordable enough to get a few to hang together for bigger impact.


The cabinets in the kitchen are the Lindsay Lohan of cabinets; they’ve lived a fast life and they look like it. A facelift in the form of removable wallpaper is just what the doctor ordered. These from Chasing Paper have caught my eye. Do you know of any other brands of removable wallpaper?
