What causes Grey Hair?Premature graying of hair has recently become one of the major concerns of the young adults. As expected, our so-called modern lifestyle has opened its door to health-related consequences. Stress, unhealthy food habits, disturbed sleep cycles etc have been taking their toll on our well-being. Premature graying of hair is one such indicator of topsy-turvy lifestyle. In addition to these factors, genetic tendencies, hormonal imbalances, use of cosmetic loaded with harmful chemicals, etc are the major causes of premature graying of hair.Melanin is the pigment that lends color to our hair. When the synthesis of melanin in the roots slows down, the hair gradually lose their color and turn white. By taking proper nutrition, shunning the stress and using a home remedy that works for you, you can undo the damage to a great extent.
Indian Gooseberry
Mix together 2 tablespoons of dried amla powder, freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, and a tablespoon of water to form a paste. Use it to massage your scalp. Let it stay for on for half an hour. Wash it off with plain water. Shampoo your hair the next day. Religiously follow this remedy for 2 to3 times a week and you will notice how your gray hair are gradually turning back to your natural hair color.
Bhringraj Oil
Curry Leaves
For a direct application, heat a cup of coconut oil and add a cup of fresh curry leaves to it and cook them till they wilt. The goodness of the leaves will be released into the oil. Allow the oil to cool off and then strain it. Store it in a clean bottle. Use it to massage your scalp and hair. Let it stay for about 45 minutes. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Follow this remedy twice a week.
Coconut Oil and Lemon Mask
Take sufficient coconut oil in a bowl and mix a spoonful of lemon juice in it. Apply it onto your scalp and hair and let it stay for an hour. Wash off with a mild shampoo. Use this remedy every 3 to 4 times a week.
Apart from following a home remedy, you should seriously consider if you should continue to use chemical laced cosmetics such as hair colors, shampoos and conditioners. They do make your hair look fabulous for a while but have a damaging effect in the long run. Instead of using shampoos you can switch to shikakai powder. Shikakai is also known as Acacia Concinna It is a natural shampoo and gently cleanses your hair and scalp without doing any collateral damage.
Make sure that while using these home remedies, no ingredients get into your eyes. These home remedies might not suit everyone; some people have allergic reactions to certain herbs and oils. Do a patch test on the skin behind your ear to make sure the remedy doesn’t cause skin irritation. If the patch test results look fine, go for a full application.