Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Posted on the 10 April 2014 by Health_news

Psoriasis is a skin condition that affects millions of people across the world every year. Psoriasis causes discolored skin patches, itching and discomfort in people. Skin is the largest organ in the body which makes it difficult to treat any skin condition.  Rashes and patches usually take a long time to heal and for the skin to return to its original color. A disease like psoriasis causes ugly patches in several places of the body. Doctors mostly recommend treatments that control and treat the symptoms of the disease. However it is possible to treat psoriasis permanently by treating the root cause.

However there are some easy home remedies as well that can cure psoriasis. Home remedies for psoriasis can take a longer time to cure but their effects are lasting. You can still continue to use medications to control the symptoms of psoriasis while using home remedies.

Vitamin E oil-Vitamin E is considered extremely good for the skin and helps to maintain the skin texture. The essential ingredients of vitamin E penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. Psoriasis is not something that affects only the top layer of the skin but the root cause lies below several layers of the skin. Vitamin E contains anti oxidants and omega acids which can fight the cause of the disease. It also controls the disease from spreading further. On the top most layer it conditions the skin and prevents itching and rashes. The skin heals naturally and regains its original form in some period of time.  Vitamin E is also available in fish, fruits like avocados and meats in natural form.

Neem oil (Azadirachta indica)-Neem is an herbal tree and grows widely in Asian countries. It is considered to be one of the most versatile trees among herbal trees. Neem twigs, leaves, bark and roots have great medicinal properties. One of the best properties of neem is that it fights bacteria and disease causing germs. For a condition like psoriasis it can offer great benefits by killing the root cause. Neem oil can be pungent in smell and bitter in taste, however when applied on skin it is immediately absorbed. Neem also conditions and improves the skin color. On long term use one can find a remarkable improvement in the skin conditions. Neem oil is easily available in herbal stores.

Eggs-Eggs are a great food for the skin and are rich in vitamin E. they also provide other beneficial nutrition for the skin. Eating eggs everyday can help to improve the skin condition and also restore it to original form. The vitamin E in the eggs is supplied to the skin cells in its natural form. The body absorbs the nutrients bets when it is supplied in the natural form.
Apart from the above it is important to prevent your skin from sun burn, chemical damage and scrapes and burns.  Do not expose the skin to harsh sun light and also maintain high hygiene levels while undergoing treatment. Do not use chemical based makeup items to cover the patches on your skin.