Home Organization Help from The Experts

By Goedekershomelife @goedekers

Photo by Flickr user puuikibeach.

It can be embarrassing and frustrating to have a problem with home organization. Most of the time, setting aside a few hours over the course of a weekend or two can allow you to get your home in good order, but sometimes, chaos reigns. It is widely accepted that some people tend to be naturally neater or messier than others, for a wide variety of reasons. If you tend to be on the less-organized side of the spectrum, though, there is help. Consider one of these services or websites:

Photo by Flickr user EvelynGiggles.

Flylady (www.flylady.net)

Marla Cilley, better known as the Flylady, used to consider herself a SHE (sidetracked home executive) suffering from CHAOS (can’t have anyone over syndrome). She wasn’t able to get her disorganization under control until she found a good routine. Her stance is that those who struggle with organization issues need to be gentle with themselves and take baby steps toward establishing good routines. In fact, all she asks her followers to do on the first day of the program is to shine their kitchen sink, and to commit to doing so every evening before bed. Easy, right? Other components of the program include getting dressed to shoes immediately upon getting up, working on the house for 15 minutes at a time, and “swishing and swiping” the bathroom at least once per day.

Messies Anonymous (www.messies.com)

Sandra Felton, aka The Organizer Lady, also used to struggle with disorganization and chaos. She has accepted her natural tendencies to be a “Messie,” and encourages others to embrace this tendency if they have it. Her main tool that she suggests is a Flipper. This is a series of index cards that you consult each day, do the tasks on the card, then “flip” to the next one the next day. If you go through the cards and do what’s on them, you should have a clean and tidy home. Her mantra is K.I.S.S., or “keep it super simple.” If you would do well with a program that just tells you what to do and when, this might be a good one for you!

Clutterbusters (www.clutterbusters.com)

If your house is very disorganized or if you have been collecting piles of things that are threatening to take over you home, then the organization experts at Clutterbusters might be the right answer for your housekeeping woes. They are professional organizers, and you may have seen them making sense out of the mayhem on the television show Hoarders. Even if you are not a hoarder, you still can benefit from professional organizing services like Clutterbusters. In addition to this particular company, there is probably a local organizing company located in or near your town, as well.

Photo by Flickr user Cy-V.

Home disorganization shouldn’t make you feel bad day after day. It can lead to stress and a feeling of frustration, but if you are struggling, there is help available. Many homeowners can conquer their clutter with home organizers, schedules and other tools, but if you require more help on a temporary or long-term basis, there is no shame in asking for it!

Author Bio: Adam Hill writes for the Unique Storage and Organizers blog.

Home Organization Help from The Experts by Sarah Marchant