Home Finances 'fell for 40% of Households in August'

Posted on the 22 August 2011 by Stevejgarton
Almost 40% of households saw their finances deteriorate between July and August, according to a survey by the financial information company, Markit.The study, of 1,500 adults, showed finances worsened at their fastest pace since February 2009, in the middle of the last recession.
Many reported a rise in debt levels and a fall in savings and income. Click here to read the full report.
If you are affected by diminishing funds then its about time you took control of the situation, and we can help, visit our website to see what is available.Read all about the Kleeneze Home Based Business Opportunity at http://sackyourboss.web.officelive.com/ & http://www.mykleeneze.com/635472 To contact us please email: stevejgarton@lineone.net