Home Again (For a Little While Anyway!)

By Ada
I had a fantastic time in Glen Rose, Texas at the annual Fancy Stitches Retreat (which has been going on since the late 1980's, making it one of the most long-running retreats of it's kind in the country!) I even finished two things, but I can't show them off here yet, sorry!  Great company, great food and great stitching, what could be better?  Thanks so much to both Fancy Stitches and my retreat buddies for all the gifts and goodies that they showered us with all weekend too!

Here is a photo of the 300+ year old Live Oak outside our stitching room:

I do have some stitching to show off though, since I haven't had time to stitch on Mod Ornaments lately, I have a couple of photos from Mary Ann who has done a great job stitching two of her ornaments:

I'm off to Charleston, SC this weekend for a little trip with my hubby, (who I have barely seen this month), but I'll have some new finishing pictures to share next week!