The Catalan people are having a revolution.
A referendum was held in Catalan territories today to decide if Catalonia should secede from Spain. The Spanish state called out the Guardia Civil to stop the vote. Incredible footage of police beating up and shooting rubber bullets at voters were broadcast on the Net. Even more dramatic footage emerged of Catalan firefighters battling Guardia Civil police in the streets. That footage was simply breathtaking.
One video I saw showed armed Spanish police raiding a polling station, grabbing ballot boxes, trashing them and throwing them on the floor, scattering the votes. Other police were confiscating ballot boxes full of ballots from angry voters who were engaged in a tug of war with police, trying to keep the ballots from being confiscated.
I saw that and thought, “This is what fascism looks like.”
Indeed, the Conservative Party that now rules Spain has deep roots to Francoist Fascism. The Fascists never went away after the return of democracy to Spain. Instead, there are still millions of Spaniards who support fascism. I have been to their Internet sites. Those are large sites with hundreds of people commenting on them. Most of the Fascist supporters drifted back into politics and although the Conservative Party has no official fascist links, nevertheless the remaining fascists are still associated with that party if they are associated with any party at all. It is like the link between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda or the relationship of White Supremacists to the Republican P Party.
Earlier today, the votes apparently were counted and the referendum appears to have won by a landslide vote. The President of the region of Catalonia urged the Legislature to implement the resolution voted on and to declare the independence of Catalonia from Spain. That was about eleven hours ago or around noon PST.
What do the Catalan people want? Land and Freedom, nothing less. Instead they got 1984. Shame!
From 1937 to 2017, the spirit of the Catalan people remains unbroken. The cry, “¡No pasarán!” yet rings through the streets of Barcelona, the echoes of eighty years.
What I saw in the faces of those Catalan protesters, no power can disinherit. No explosion that ever burst can shatter the crystal spirit of the Catalan people.
The voice of independence radiates across Spain and the rest of Europe, shaking the very foundations the EU.
Let the EU bureaucrats tremble at a Catalan Revolution. The Catalans have nothing to lose but their Nationalist chains. They have a Europe to win.
Nations want to be free. Let freedom ring across the lands!