Hollyweird Moonbat Paltrow and Her Elitist Christmas Gift Recommendations

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Gwyneth Paltrow has published her annual gift guide – get your checkbooks ready! Only a rich elitist would include some of these items on her list, which many in the population couldn’t afford (unless maybe, it’s a really special gift or you received a massive Christmas bonus!).

Easy Health Angel Juicer Gold, $4,379: “Absurd, but awesome.”

Tutu Du Monde (for girls, age 4-7), $169: “The ultimate dress-up option.”

Atsuyo Et Akiko Chateau Magic Wand, $44: “Pretty enough to frame.”

Mackage Lorde Kids Coat (for kids, age 4-7), $450: “A so-cute-it-hurts parka.”

Golden Goose Sneakers (for ages 12-14), $575: “14yos know Golden Goose?” (Wonder if Michelle will pick up a pair?)

Fredericks & Mae Bocce Set, $320: “A cool take on an old-world game.”

Hermes Avalon Blanket, $1,500: “If only we could buy these in bulk.”

Diamond Thickie, $12,000: “We’d take anything from Esque, most notably this one-0f-a-kind, insanely expensive vase.”

Hopefully she’s not reading all the mean tweets about her out-of-touch and elitist attitude on the internet.