Hollyhocks and Bumble Bees

By Kate_miller

Best to admire these beauties from afar... Hollyhocks have no fragrance, so there's no need to put your nose up close and take a whiff.
Besides...  you might be surprised who's hanging out in there!

Did you know that Bumble Bees prefer high altitudes? Perhaps that's why I prefer them. A big, docile, tank of bee who is absolutely delighted with my Heirloom Hollyhocks.
Look at these guys! Covered in pollen, flitting from flower to flower, having the time of their lives. Kind of how I'd behave ~ if you turned me loose in a chocolate factory.

Hollyhock time, as I like to call the month of August, has signified my favorite time in the garden ever since I was a child.

The Hollies Mom planted would grow into a gigantic flowering forest! The ideal escape for a little girl with an over-active imagination.
I call them 'heirlooms' because these single flowering, 6-7 foot tall, cottage garden beauties are offspring from the same seeds Mom planted way back when.
I've planted them everywhere I've lived for the past 20 years.
And, I'd like to spread the love! So every autumn I give away Hollyhock seeds. 
Want some? Just leave a comment or send me an email.

And, here's another fun fact. The big bumbles sleep in these flowers.
Yup! I've seen it, time and time again. Come nightfall, they cozy up in those petals and settle down for a nap.
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