Holidays Encounters

By Pmeurice
   Holidays,  or shall I say : Time to actually be dedicated to the things one really likes… Curiosity for Art is always taking a big place once I can organize my time as freely as I want : I become then a greedy visitor for most of the museums and galleries I find on my way. 
Sometimes, I have the chance to meet with some people having a strong dedication, and whose work is offering new perspectives to me : I was sorting out some business cards and found the one Allan Caswell gave me last april, while I was visiting his gallery in Rock, Cornwall.
To me, Allan's work was showing a strong sense of the atmosphere one can find on the cornish coast, yet, a delicate approach to colors, (beautiful colored greys!), and very instinctive compositions. Putting a note on this blog a nice way to pay a tribute to the nice chat we had on that day, to his talent - and to keep a trace of this nice encounter. And of course, invite the reader to visit his gallery or website (The link: Rock Road Gallery). 
More recently, in the hunt for nice Landscapes pictures on the Opal Coast, I made a stop in Tardinghen.  This is a tiny village, located on some hills offering a great view over the Cap Blanc Nez. Here is a view of this village's church :

I was surprised to see another artist, Annie Haquette, had a studio in the calms of these surroundings, enjoying the summer weather to work in this great environment. I was expecting everything but an artist studio in this location… But it seems Art is everywhere, once one takes the time for it.