Holiday Weekend in Niagara Falls

By Hotelprops @hotelprops

Living in Niagara Falls is a special thing, especially when its a long weekend. Everything is go go go. There are tens of thousands of people combing the streets, deciding which line up to wait in. People are flocking to see the great Niagara Falls in all its glory.Holiday Weekend in Niagara Falls

Patience is a virtue. Everyone in the streets, in the stores and in the restaurants are all impatient because they are tired, thirsty, hungry and hot, and no one wants to wait in a line. Hello, you are in one of the most recognized places on the planet. Its going to be busy. Lets show some manners, and respect your fellow traveler. Hold a door open for someone – even if it means you need to stand one person back in line. Its the little things.

Holiday Weekend in Niagara FallsOne of the great things about the holiday weekend, is all the events and attractions. There are carnivals, re-enactments, and fireworks among other things to do. Ask the locals around if there is anything special like out

door concerts or something to do to get away from all the hustle and bustle.  Tonight I am going to find a place along the Niagara Parkway, to view the fireworks with my family. No school means they get to stay up late. We will pop some popcorn grab a nice seat and sit and relax and enjoy the spectacle that the city puts on through out the summer.

The thing that brings it all together on a weekend like this is the fantastic weather we are having. Its hot sunny, not a cloud in the sky. A great day to get out there and have some fun at the park. Its actually pretty rare to see a weekend like this come together as it has this year. Spring time – no rain, hot and sunny, 4 day weekend for the kids (WOO HOO 4 Day Weekend!). Holiday Weekend in Niagara Falls