Holiday Shopping List Curated by My Facebook Group

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

It's popular for bloggers to share their gift guide for the holidays, myself included. This year I came up with a different idea. I asked my Facebook Group members to let me know what is on their holiday wish list and I played Santa and shopped for these wish list items. Check what they are hoping to unwrap this year.

Holiday Shopping List Curated by my Facebook Group

Boots and Booties, Particularly Waterproof

Quite a few members are hoping for booties this holiday, particularly waterproof styles they can wear in inclement weather. Everyone wanted comfort.

There was also a particular request for pointy-toe booties

Fur Lined Boots

Another Facebook Group member was looking to replace her fur-lined flat boots that she could wear to work.

Warm Puffer Coat

Looking to replace her old puffer coat, I selected a few for this member.

Warm Gloves, Scarves and Socks

No surprise, there were a few requests for socks, gloves and scarves, especially cashmere. One member loves Smartwool socks so I had to include a few.

AllBirds Sneakers

Those who already own several pairs of AllBirds sneakers asked for more pairs. Clearly, they know something the rest of us don't.

Etro Scarves

Anyone who asks for an Etro scarf is a woman after my own heart. Personally, I would take an Etro scarf over an Hermes scarf any day.

Cashmere Sweaters

There was a request for alpaca and cashmere sweaters. I love alpaca yarn. It is my favorite yarn to knit. That said, it is almost impossible to find a pure alpaca sweater. My suggestion, learn to knit, ladies. I did find quite a few lovely cashmere and cashmere blend sweaters.

Over-the-Knee boots

For the woman hoping for over-the-knee boots this holiday, here are some fun styles.


Looking for a new handbag for the holidays? Some members are too. Here are some styles

Beaded Necklaces

One member is on the search for beaded necklaces. I shopped for some styles just for her.

Leopard Print Loafers

Looking to add a little animal like one member is? Here are some styles I found.

Rose Gold bracelets earrings

Another member asked specifically for rose gold earrings and bracelets.


One thing I learned from asking Facebook Group members what they want for the holidays is there are a lot of Australian members in my group. With warmer weather hitting Australia, there were some requests for sandals. I had to shake my brain up with this request because I am so in a winter mindset, but I managed to find a few for my beloved readers down under.

Doing some holiday shopping? I hope this list helps you get some ideas. What is on your holiday list this year?