Holiday Recapping- Yes I Know I’m Late

By Fitnessmeetsfrosting @fitnessfrosting

I’m backkkk! Sorry folks. I know I’m a horrible blogger. Work was busy, grad school started up again (and this quarter is going to be killer), and I’m taking on some home projects which I can hopefully share with you soon! Let’s just jump back in!

Brief running update:

Note to self: Don’t take so much time off from running. It will suck when you start back up again.

After my first marathon in November, followed by my half marathon 1 week later, followed by a 10K race 2 weeks later, I took some much needed time off from running. After that 10K Turkey Trot (on Thanksgiving), I didn’t run again until early December. And then I ran only and handful of times in that month. More on this later.

{Instagram} A short run with my doggy Sienna


December was hectic with finals/papers for grad school, wrapping up projects at work, and making sure to have all the family time possible!

Christmas Eve, since forever, we meet up with my parents’ college friends’ family (who we consider our aunt, uncle, cousins) and my mom’s side of the family. We usually go out to eat cause no one wants to cook the day before a lot of cooking. This year we got Italian take-out and had game night!

Our Christmas Eve tradition- the kid group

Christmas morning, Kyle and I got up SUPER early to exchange stocking stuffers (this year we decided no big presents since we bought a house and we are now “house poor”). After that we drove to my parents’, did present exchanging, and then we were off to Kyle’s parents’ house for present exchanging and breakfast!

BTW this is one thing my sister and I got our dad. the frame says, “Daddy’s girls” and our shirts say, “Classy, sassy, and a bit smart assy.” Weird family, I know.

This was the first Christmas Kyle and I “shared.” By this I mean, we went to Christmas celebrations together instead of splitting up like previous years. This year we went to his family’s house for most of Thanksgiving, so most of Christmas day was spent with my family. Next year we’ll swap! (BTW we always see both families, but the year determines where we spend the majority of the time)

So after Christmas breakfast and presents with Kyle’s family, we left for my aunt and uncle’s house to do Christmas with my dad’s entire family. Yep- lots of driving! Luckily, Kyle and I grew up only 4 miles apart so that “trek” is easy.

(Girl) Cousin love on Christmas

Kyle and myself on Christmas at my aunt and uncle’s house

Luckily, my office shuts down completely from Christmas Eve till after New Year’s. I got to do a lot of fun activities and not worry about school!

{Instagram} Some hiking with Kyle’s family in our new neighborhood

And taking my family’s family dog to my house for sleepovers :)

{Instagram} We went on runs and walks together :)

I also went to Cirque du Soleil in the city (what us Bay Area natives call San Francisco) with my BFF (this was her Christmas present from me)!

{Instagram} Nothing like watching supreme athletes with 0% body fat to make you feel inadequate

The rest of my vacation was filled with sleeping in, more family time, eating, prepping for school, eating, being obsessed with my dog, and minimal running- more on that later.

I/Sienna even got to try out our new dog hammock from Kurgo! I know a lot of you are dog owners so I’ll do a review on that in a separate post soon!

Happy New Year to all my friends!

How do you split up the holidays with family and friends?

Favorite thing to do while on a holiday break- go!

How many desserts did you eat over the holidays :)?

Are you class, sassy, and/or smart assy?