Holiday Inspiration – Berlin, Germany

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

Berlin break ideas

Now Mrs Foodie loves Berlin a little too much.  If only she had stuck in at school and passed that Higher German we would probably be there full time.  However, we make do with our yearly pilgrimage to all things Berlin and Germany.


Is everywhere, from burgers to kebabs to currywurst.  You certainly will never starve.


Burgermeister located in an old toilet, the burgers are ace.

The Bird

Burgers and beer, yet to stick up our review!

Henne Alt-Berliner Wirtshaus

Henne Located a stones throw from the wall, chicken is its top draw.

Markthalle Neun
Street Food Thursday


OSTEL Hostel Berlin 

Unsurprisingly located in East Berlin, Ostel is what my ideal holiday home would look like.  Strange.  I do like a quirky place to stay, and being a 70’s kid love the kitsch decor.


Huttenpalast is an old factory that has now been converted to accommodation with caravans inside. Budget accommodation within a great area of Berlin. 



The Palace of Tears, the old crossing point from East/West Berlin.


Cost to get in, but a great big building where you can get a glimpse into the workings of the Stasi.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

Within reach of Berlin and the railway station is covered by the S  bahn network.  Free.

East Side Gallery

A free and outside area near Warschauer Strasse and near the River Spree.


Of course you can’t fail to notice the Germans do like their beer, as do we.  Each time we visit we take our trusty Berlin Beer Book and attempt to mark off some more.

Altberliner Weissbierstube and here Altberliner Stube & Küche

Berliner Republik – Die Berliner RepublikBar near to the Tranenpalast.  Has the added bonus of a stock exchange beer pricing strategy.

Brauhaus Mitte – Brauhaus Mitte Modernist almost UFO like bar. Handy for Alexander Platz.

Willy Bresch – Bar located in a residential zone. Willy Bresch Amazing retro display.

Quell Eck – Bar boasts the oldest operating font in Germany.

Felsenkeller – birds hanging from the ceiling and a good range of beer.

Lauschangriff – Hidden, cosy, great atmospheric place for a pre club beer. Lauschangriff

Cafe Hallenbad – Another hidden bar.

Zillemarkt – Large bar and restaurant. Zillemarkt

Die Tagnung – DDR style bar Die Tagung