Holiday Food Guilt – and Why You Shouldn’t Beat Yourself up

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

No one is perfect.  Me especially.  If someone tells you that they eat right ALL. THE. TIME. and never do anything that isn’t ideal for their health they are LYING to you.

So, we just got through the holidays.

I ate.  A lot.  Some good stuff.  Like this amazing wild Salmon that my brother in law caught himself from the Copper River in Alaska.  You. Guys.  Nothing in the store can compare to that fresh deliciousness.

And this smoothie, that I managed to salvage after the glass I poured it into broke completely in half!

Then, I ate some not so good things.  Henry and Miles decorated sugar cookies, as is the tradition in our family.  And even though I gave them carrots and hummus to snack on there was plenty of finger-licking and “oops the head fell off that one” eating…Plus, there was pumpkin bread, chocolate covered coffee beans, coffee with whipped cream….

So, I could beat myself up over not staying true to what I know is right, but you know what?

Sometimes it’s ok.  90ish% of the time I do what is right for my body, eating wise.

And you know what else?  Today is a great day to eat healthy.  Wether you are starting this journey for the first time, getting back on the train, or reinforcing your current lifestyle.  TODAY is the day.

There is a pervasive and toxic tone that rises up from time to time, and people often leave comments on my posts with this frame of thinking.  It sounds something like this:

“The world is toxic, everything is bad for you. There’s no way to avoid it all, so I’m not even going to try.”

Part of this is true.  The world IS a toxic place. Every time I fly I refuse the x-ray machine and opt for the pat-down. “You get more radiation just going to the grocery store” the TSA guy will say.  “I know.” I reply.  “That’s why I’m opting out of this exposure.  It’s cumulative, so the times that I can control it, I will.”  They roll their eyes….I don’t care.

The idea that we can’t avoid ALL of it so we should just give up is, in my opinion, a defeatist, lazy attitude.

We can’t avoid all of it.  We may not get through the holidays without a sugar cookie or cinnamon roll (you guys know I have a weakness for those things, right?).  But it’s no reason to quit all together.

It’s also no reason to beat yourself up.

So, I’m not big into resolutions, but here’s mine for 2014.  No sugar, no wheat.


All I can think about is not having cake at the 3 wedding we are going to this summer.  And I am also going on a cruise with my husband at the end of this month….I’m already regretting this decision.

But I’ve been sick more this winter than in the past 5 years combined.  My naturopath/chiropractor believes that it’s due to my getting so run down and not getting enough sleep. So, I’m working on those things – easier said than done, right? I feel like my body just needs a boost, so I’m giving it one.  See, I’m not, by nature, a naturally healthy person.  I developed eczema as a small child, seemed to get sick a lot growing up, my liver doesn’t naturally detox very well.  So I have to support my body more/better than someone who doesn’t have immune disorders or low liver function.

But these aren’t reasons to give up!  They are reasons to keep going.  Even if I mess up.  I won’t beat myself up, I’ll change and keep going.  Forget the guilt, forget the shame.  Just go on with yo bad self!!

Happy New Year Everyone!

What’s your resolution?  Did you make one?

live well. be well.