Holding Out for a Better Day

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

One of the things that you may have found, if you participated in the FABruary Style Challenge, was that you wore some of your best clothes, even if it wasn’t a day that you’d normally dress up in that way.

So many people keep their ‘good’ clothes for another day. The day that is important enough to warrant those good clothes. Yet, fashions change fairly quickly, and I see in my wardrobe therapy sessions many ‘good’ clothes that are barely worn as the owner didn’t feel they were good enough to wear them on an ordinary day, or had been brought up to ‘save them for a special occasion’ which rarely came.

So now is the time to embrace your whole wardrobe and wear your good clothes every day (well as long as you’re not gardening or using bleach!).  Enjoy what you have and wear it all, don’t keep it for another day because you don’t think that today is significant enough to wear it.

What messages were you given growing up that have stuck with you as an adult and affect the way you dress?