Holdays Are Coming… Holidays Are Coming…

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Well, this Christmas is already turning out to be one of the best I’ve ever had – starting with an amazing visit from the Holidays Are Coming Coca-Cola truck to the nearby town. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the event announced in the local newspaper (I actually jumped up and down & squealed a bit) and I quickly fired off a text to everyone nearby to let them know the awesome news!

Coca-Cola Truck at Ipswich – Image copywrite of Andy-Greenacre.com

For me, and for many of my friends and family, Christmas only truly begins when the first showing of the Coca-Cola advert comes on the telly. As soon as that line of lit-up cola trucks starts snaking its way across my screen you can bet that I (and everyone else) will be texting, tweeting and facbooking to announce that we’ve seen it and that Chriiiiiistmas is comiiiing!! That advert has pretty much become a Christmas tradition over the years and the sight of Santa swigging from a bottle of Coca-Cola on the back of the truck is pretty iconic.


This is precisely why I got soooo excited with the news that the Coca-Cola truck was going on tour around the country this year. I organised my whole week around going to see the truck – I was determined not to miss out on such an important festive event. And I was not disappointed – the truck was glowing red with 100s of fairy lights and parked outside Ipswich town hall, with all the town’s amazing Christmas lights on in the background, it looked like a Christmassy oasis in the town centre. There were podiums at each end of the truck to allow families to have photos taken with the truck and a brass band was playing. Of course, there were tons of Santa’s little helpers handing out mini cans of Coke - which I am thinking of turning into decorations for my tree this year!