Check out the video of a rather typical day in a large Yanonamo village as captured by legendary anthropologist Nicholas Chagnon. I read the book he wrote about these people, The Yanonamo – The Fierce People.
A massive whirlpool of sheer Cultural Left nonsense has swirled around Chagnon and his work with the Yanonamo. Turns out these were noble savages after all, and these evil White men went into their peaceful villages and stirred up a bunch of trouble just so they could make lurid films and make a White Supremacist point about the inferiority of non-Whites.
None of the charges against Chagnon were true. All lies. But the toilet bowl of Cultural Left bullshit swirled around this poor man for many years. He was nearly tossed out of the American Anthropological Association over this.
Anthropology, after all, is one of the most Cultural Left-poisoned fields of them all. Linguistics, a close cousin (there is actually a sub-field called Anthropological Linguistics), is not far behind, right on the tail of the Students of Men.
So we come to Rousseau versus Hobbes. The field of anthropology is now on the side of Rousseau, and Hobbes is the name that dare not say its name, the Leviathan in the living room that everyone pretends is simply not there. Let’s look at the evidence based on this video.
Noble? Are you kidding?
Savage? You got it.
Rousseau is 1-1. Now let’s see how Hobbes scores.
Short? Yo.
Nasty? Damn straight.
Brutish? Oh yeah!
Hobbes wins of course, 3-0, clean sweep.
Anyway, I don’t think this video has anything to say about superiority or inferiority of Whites or non-Whites. The Yanonamo are simply what humans are like in their raw, native condition once you take off the fake civilizational veneer. This is us – you, me and everyone else. Killers, born killers. A bunch of Goddamned animals. As if you needed reminding, we humans are indeed animals, giant two legged monkeys if you wish.
Hobbes redeemed once again.