Hello, my amazing THN readers… I’mback! First let me start today’spost by thanking Jenny Perusek, THN editor, for taking over the blog thisweek. She posted such AMAZINGideas for news for the blog!
My first post back (and a few more to come) will show the photo shoots from mycourse at Altos de Chavón, here in The Dominican Republic. This was definitely a ONCE IN A LIFETIMEexperience for me. If you everhave the chance to take this course, DO IT! During my course, I met some of the nicest and most creativepeople, which made the entire experience totally worth it!
So here is my first photo shootfor you all. I call this my NEONHIPPIE LOOK. I was wearing a Forever 21blouse and a Zara headband.
I hope you all enjoy the photos…stay tuned for more!
Photography: Yazmin YearaAuthor: Yazmin YearaEditor: Jenny Perusek
Love, THN*