Hillary Clinton Wears Hospital Gown at Cape Cod Fundraiser

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Stung by pictures of her showing strange bulges under her coat-jacket suggestive of a defibrillator vest, Hillary Clinton is turning to even roomier, more capacious clothes.

This is what the Sick Old Woman wore last Sunday at a campaign fundraiser in Cape Cod — a hospital gown.

The lucrative fundraiser was hosted by the 70-year-old pig, Cher, which netted the Sick Old Woman more than $1.5 million. Approximately 1,000 people attended the “summer celebration” event at the Pilgrim Monument & Museum in Provincetown.

Meanwhile, another video has surfaced of Sick Old Woman having a mid-speech brain freeze:

H/t FOTM‘s Lola

See also:
