Hillary Clinton Leads Among The Nation's Top 8%

Posted on the 13 December 2014 by Jobsanger

I thought this survey was interesting. It is the CNBC Millionaire Survey, which queried 500 people with at least a million dollars in investable assets (divided equally among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents). They represent the top 8% of Americans in wealth.
The leading candidate for president among that group was Hillary Clinton with 31% support. Finishing in second (13 points behind) was Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie was third (17 points back).
I know some of my progressive brothers and sisters (who are avidly looking for an alternative to Clinton) will try to use this to say Clinton is the candidate of the rich -- of Wall Street and the corporations. I don't buy that argument. I see this poll as indicative of the truly broad base of support Clinton has. And it will take that kind of broad-based support to be elected in 2016.
Is Clinton the most progressive person in the Democratic Party? No. But I submit she would be the most progressive candidate the Democrats have put forward in many years -- more progressive than her husband, Bill Clinton, or President Jimmy Carter, or President Obama. All you have to do is look at the health care reform she proposed (which was far more progressive than that passed by President Obama and congressional Democrats).
I urge all my fellow progressives to stop looking for a dream candidate, and get behind Hillary Clinton. It is important to keep the Republicans from winning the White House in 2016, and if we don't destroy Clinton with an intra-party fight, she can do that.
I know many want a more ideologically pure leftist as a candidate (Elizabeth Warren), but she is not widely enough known or accepted by the general public. I'm afraid it would be a repeat of 1972 (when we had a great leftist candidate and lost nearly every state in the election) if Ms. Warren is convinced to run right now. That would be disastrous for our economy and our country.
Hillary Clinton can win -- and she will win if we unite behind her.