Highlights of 2013 CIPE Publications & Tools

Posted on the 02 January 2014 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

As 2013 flew by, even diligent readers of CIPE Development Blog might have missed valuable nuggets on our favorite topics. The Knowledge Management team at CIPE has done a little prospecting for you and offers the following summary of the year’s top new resources.

Without a doubt, 2013 was the year of entrepreneurship at CIPE. Lessons in ecosystem building from thought leaders are captured in “Creating the Environment for Entrepreneurial Success.” If you like video, relive the Democracy That Delivers for Entrepreneurs conference. CIPE also came out with a “Guide to Youth Entrepreneurship Programs for Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations.”

Another hot topic globally is anti-corruption, and CIPE introduced a couple of ways to tackle the matter. “Approaches to Collective Action: How Businesses Together Can Lead the Fight Against Corruption” presents a menu of collective action tools. ”The Role of Corporate Governance in Fighting Corruption” examines supply-side solutions such as governance, compliance, and business ethics. Check out Riinvest Institute’s in-depth study of the ”Public Procurement Process in Kosovo.”

Democratic governance shapes the solutions to any development challenge. Dr. Begovic’s article ”How Democracy Influences Growth” weighs the mechanisms by which governance influences incentives for investment and growth. (For more from Dr. Begovic, see “The Serbian Experience in Transition.”) One key governance challenge is “Closing the Implementation Gap.”  And in this era of demand for open government, the toolkit on ”Expanding Access to Information” should prove helpful.

Property wraps up our list of big topics, since it’s a foundation for development and entrepreneurship ecosystems. The Property Markets Scorecards provide snapshots of the institutions supporting property markets and help target opportunities for reform.

Kim Bettcher is Senior Knowledge Manager at CIPE.