Higher Education: Boston University Professor Tweets, “white Masculinity is THE Problem for America’s Colleges”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Fox News: Critics say a newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, but the school says it’s simply free speech.

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,” Saida Grundy, an incoming assistant professor of sociology and African-American studies at Boston University, tweeted in March.

In another tweet from January, she wrote: “Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

In another, she called white males a “problem population.” “Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.

The tweets were first noticed by student Nick Pappas, who posted them on his website “SoCawlege.com” and questioned how Grundy could be able to teach a diverse classroom given the racial hostility in her tweets. (Her tweets are now protected. She must be so proud of her free speech!)

“You have to teach college aged white males eventually, no?… this seems like you are unqualified to grade their work as you clearly demonstrate some kind of special bias against them,” he wrote.

Pappas, a junior at University of Massachusetts Amherst, told FoxNews.com that he hopes to “show the rest of America how nasty people on the far left can get at colleges.”

Those who follow campus politics say they are not shocked. “I’m not surprised that Boston University is hiring a racist to teach African American Studies,” David Horowitz, author of “Reforming our Univerisities” told FoxNews.com. “Anti-white racism is rampant in Black Studies programs which are generally indoctrination programs in left wing politics.”

Boston University stands by the professor, who will start working at the college in June.“Professor Grundy is exercising her right to free speech and we respect her right to do so,” Boston University spokesman Colin Riley said.

Grundy did not respond to a request for comment from FoxNews.com, and has made her twitter account private.

Horowitz said the university’s reaction betrays double-standards on race. “If she were a white racist rather than an anti-white racist, she would never be hired. Professors are supposed to be experts in some scholarly field, and professionals in their classroom discourse. They don’t have a license to indoctrinate students in their prejudices – whether those prejudices are right or left,” he said.

Grundy posted a number of other controversial tweets, for instance claiming that only whites enslaved entire generations of people. “Deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing,” she said.

Free speech advocates say that Grundy should have a right to her speech, but say the university speech policy is hypocritical because it allows the university to censor offensive or bigoted speech if it wanted to.

“Professor Grundy should and must have the freedom to publicly express her opinions on controversial topics. Unfortunately, though, [she] could be punished if she were to send such tweets through the BU computer network, as the university bans ‘transmitting…offensive’ material,” Robert Shibley of Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) told FoxNews.com.

“In addition, if she were a student, she could also potentially be punished for violating policies banning ‘bigotry, hatred, and intolerance,’ and for not expressing her opinion ‘in good taste and decency.’ … [BU] should eliminate these policies so that it can defend every student and faculty member’s right to free speech – not just Professor Grundy’s.”

Just another day in the world of US “higher education”. See also:

  • “Higher Education”: Rutgers prof.: Christian conservatives worship ‘a*****e’ God and ‘white supremacist Jesus’
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  • Double standard in higher education’s freedom of speech? Racist chant: Expelled. Humiliating rape video: Funded by school grant money!
  • Higher Education: Dartmouth student – America must ‘fix free speech’ with censorship
  • Higher Education: Drama students prohibited from performing because of offensive Christian message
  • University professors attack white, heterosexual, Christian males for being “privileged”
  • “Higher” education: Ohio State core class teaches Christians are dumber than atheists
  • Another partisan professor misuses classroom to bash Christians and Republicans