Title: High Stakes
Author: Casey L. BondGenre: YA PNR, Dystopian/SciFiEditor: Stacy Sanford/ The Girl with the Red PenCover Designer, Photog & Trailer Made By: Melissa Stevens/ The Illustrated Author Design ServicesModel: Breanna EllisPublication Date: Feb. 1st, 2019Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PRThe only problem was that time travel was more complicated than anyone realized. She was supposed to travel back seven days, but instead, landed in the middle of England in the year 1348, during the time of the Black Plague.
Enoch never kept his true nature a secret. As a wealthy landowner, he protected and provided for the people under his care, and in exchange, they were more than willing to provide the scant amounts of blood he needed to survive. When a strange young woman showed up at his gate in the midst of the plague and then fell ill, he nursed her back to health.
He’d never met anyone like Eve. She was intelligent and witty, and the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes upon. And, he learned, the most dangerous.
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