High Protein Granola Recipe

By Thepickyeater @pickyeaterblog

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Nuts, seeds, and almond butter add plenty of protein to this high protein granola recipe. Lower sugar with no preservatives, this homemade granola is much healthier than store-bought! Enjoy this tasty protein granola on yogurt, oatmeal, or fresh fruit.

When I was a kid, sweet, crunchy granola was my favorite breakfast. I just couldn't resist those sweet and crunchy oat clusters. It took me a while to realize that just because it's called granola doesn't make it healthy - quite the opposite sometimes. Store-bought granola can be healthy, but many brands are packed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and preservatives, and are more like a dessert than a healthy way to start the day.

Additionally, granola isn't very filling, since it's high in carbs and low in protein. So I decided it was time to create a protein granola recipe that had all of the flavor of the original, but was healthier for you and keeps you full all the way until lunch!

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I've noticed that many protein granola recipes contain protein powder, but I wanted to give you an option to still get a ton of protein with or without protein powder - so this recipe has a protein powder option but it's not necessary if you don't want to use it!

This homemade granola is packed with clusters of hearty whole grain oats, and high-protein whole food ingredients like almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and almond butter - but feel free to use this recipe as a guideline and customize it how you like. If you don't like any of the nuts listed, you can always leave them out.

Homemade protein granola tastes amazing in so many ways. You can add it to salads for a nice crunch, use it to top your yogurt or pancakes, and sprinkle it on fresh berries. You can add it to chia seed pudding, top a smoothie bowl with it, or combine it with cottage cheese and fresh fruit. The opportunities are endless!

👨‍🍳 Why This Recipe Works

  • Nutrient-packed
  • High protein from the nuts & seeds
  • Up to 9 grams of protein per serving
  • Healthy easy snack or breakfast
  • Full of healthy fats
  • Low sugar
  • No high fructose corn syrup or preservatives
  • Quick and easy breakfast
  • Best protein granola ever!

🥘 Ingredients

Rolled oats, nuts, and seeds are essential ingredients for any delicious granola. You can customize these ingredients to suit your tastes (see the variations below!)

Nuts: Almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, and walnuts pack a protein punch. If you don't like any of these, you can sub them out for more of another. Since nuts can be pricey, I like to purchase them in bulk or load up when they're on sale.

Whole Grain Rolled Oats: Be sure to use rolled oats and not quick oats, steel cut oats, or instant oats for the best texture.

Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds add even more protein and crunch! Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, or hemp seeds work great too.

Coconut Oil: Oil is what helps crisp up the granola. I like to use coconut oil for it's light coconut flavor and many health benefits, but you can also use avocado oil - which also has healthy fats and works well in this homemade granola recipe.

Almond Butter: Almond butter encourages the granola to clump. It also tastes amazing!

Honey: Real honey adds a touch of sweetness to this recipe. Maple syrup, cane syrup, or agave nectar works great too! I wouldn't recommend plain cane sugar or brown sugar - they don't have a binding quality that the syrups have, and that this recipe needs.

Vanilla: Subtle vanilla flavor enhances the sweetness of granola without needing a ton of sugar.

Cinnamon: I love to add warm cinnamon to homemade protein granola but you can leave it out or even sub in pumpkin pie spice for a fall version.

Salt: A pinch of sea salt will do the trick to bring out the classic flavor in this recipe!

📖 Variations

Gluten-free: Use gluten-free rolled oats to make this recipe gluten-free!

Vegan-friendly: Easily make this recipe vegan by using maple syrup instead of honey.

Peanut butter or other nut butters: If you don't have almond butter or prefer peanut butter, you can use peanut butter or your favorite nut butter instead. A seed butter like this pumpkin seed butter would also work!

Dried fruit: Dried cranberries, dried blueberries, raisins, dried pineapple, dried mango, and dried cherries all taste delicious. Just be sure to add the dried fruit after the granola is baked so it doesn't dry out.

Coconut flakes: If you love coconut flakes, feel free to add some! Toss with the nuts and seeds before adding the wet ingredients.

Chocolate chips: Chocolate chips only makes things better! Toss them into the cooled granola otherwise they will melt in the oven.

Protein Powder: Add 1/3 cup of any of your favorite vegan protein powders. I haven't tried this recipe with whey protein powder but I imagine that would work too. You can also add protein by adding in some flaxseed meal or chia seeds.

🔪 Instructions

Homemade granola is simple to make. If you like to get your kids in the kitchen, granola is an excellent recipe for that. They can help measure the ingredients and stir everything together.

Preheat oven & chop the nuts: Preheat your oven to 300 degrees F / 150 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

Microwave the wet ingredients: Combine the vanilla, almond butter, coconut oil, and honey in a microwave safe container. Microwave the mixture in 30 second increments until completely melted. Stir until smooth.

Toss to combine: Add the honey mixture to the nut mixture with the salt and cinnamon. Toss with a wooden spoon until well coated.

Spread & bake: Spread the granola mixture in an even layer on the baking sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes to prevent the granola from burning.

Let the granola cool, store and enjoy: Once the granola looks golden brown, remove it from the oven and let it cool.Enjoy it with breakfast or store it for later. Place the cooled granola into an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dry place.

❓ Recipe FAQs

Is homemade granola a healthy snack?

The short answer is: it depends on the granola. Store-bought granola (even from health food stores) can be packed with lots of added sugar and unhealthy fats.
However, this homemade protein granola is made with plant-based whole-food ingredients and a small amount of honey. It's high in protein and important nutrients for a healthy start to your day!
If you make it without protein powder, you'll get 7 g protein in each serving, and with protein powder you'll have 9 g protein per serving. You can feel good about eating this granola.

Is granola gluten-free?

Store-bought granola is only gluten-free if it's labeled so. Oats are harvested and processed around gluten-containing grains which means cross-contamination is highly likely if not certain. To make homemade granola gluten-free, be sure to purchase oats that are labeled gluten-free.

How do I store homemade granola?

Store this granola in an airtight container for up to three months. Be sure to wait until it is completely cool before storing it. If it's still warm, it can condensate and become mushy from the moisture. For best results, store it in a cool, dry place - typically a pantry or cabinet at room temperature will work!

How should I serve high protein granola?

Granola can be served however you like! It tastes delicious served with almond milk or whole milk. It can also be used to top yogurt, oatmeal, toast, pancakes, sliced bananas, or smoothie bowls.
It's also great on salads for additional crunch or baked sweet potatoes for a sweet crunchy topping. You can even add it to ice cream for dessert!

💭 Expert Tips

  • Customize this recipe with whatever ingredients you love!
  • Wait until it's cool before storing it, it will crisp up as it cools.
  • Be sure to use rolled oats and not quick-cooking oats.
  • If using, add dried fruit last (after baking) so it doesn't dry out in the oven.
  • To make this granola even higher in protein you can add ⅓ cup of vanilla protein powder to the dry ingredients before stirring through the melted honey mixture.
  • Stirring the granola periodically throughout the cooking process helps to evenly cook the granola and reduces the chances of burning.

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High Protein Granola Recipe