Even though I live very near it, you haven't heard much about the High Line from me lately.
That's because in the immortal words of Yogi Berra - "Nobody goes there any more - it's too crowded." It's wildly and amazingly popular with tourists of whom there are alarming numbers - a mixed blessing. Super that New York is such a popular destination - and then the problem of tripping over them.
Anyway, last Thursday it was very mild and wet, so we set out.
I was mesmerized by the wet grass all glistening with damp
and splendidly under-lit.
Looking down a very wet 25th Street
at our feet fall vegetation.
We tramp on
til everything comes under the sway of all the very tall new buildings that surround the new part of the park up towards 34th Street. So many changes in the past few years!