High Five for Friday

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
What a crazy week this has been! I had way more than 5 things to be thankful for this week so if you want to see what they were, go check out my instagram!
Linking up with Lauren, as usual, for High Five for Friday :)

1// Nolan's first (memorable) trip to the Disney Store. Of course, we left with a Mickey Mouse..he's not spoiled or anything.2// A new Mickey hat! I know I'm biased, but he is too freaking cute for words...3// Nothing can replace these moments or feelings. Nothing.4// My Cosmo Vox Box from Influenster! More coming next week on that!5// I put my spinning shoes back on and went to spinning class for the first time in probably two years. I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow...
Hope everyone had a great week. Stay tuned for a few giveaways and special things coming in the next few weeks!