Higgsteria : Tension Builds

Posted on the 07 October 2013 by Andyxl @e_astronomer

We’re all a bit tense here in Edinbrrr.  Peter H is understood to be in hiding and quite right too. He’s done more than his duty over many months waving the flag for Physics in general, for UK science, and for Edinburgh University. Adrian Bird didn’t get the Medicine Prize today, so the Edin.Univ. Powers will crossing all possible fingers and toes for tomorrow. Check here. Apparently we expect the announcement to be at 10:45 UK time, but it will initially be in Swedish, so there will be an extra minute or two of hypertension.

Well, we will know soon enough. If you want to entertain yourselves meanwhile, you could try Telescoper’s Poll. Or you could watch Frank Close’s wonderful seminar, which is the clearest explanation I have seen/heard of what its all about, and why a prize specifically for Peter is appropriate. The CERN version seems to be broken, but there is a recording of a version at SISSA that’s audible but bvisually murky. Fascinatingly, Close makes a case for Phil Anderson being an overlooked man, and shows how different parts of Physics can cross-fertilise.

Or if you really want some entertainment, you can see how you can make chocolate from nothing.