Hidden Screen Recorder for YouTube, Instagram & SnapChat App

Posted on the 12 December 2018 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22
Silicon Valley executives used of making headlines introducing purposefully addictive shapes of contemporary mobile phones, gadgets and computer machines and social media. Reluctantly, we all know it would be hard enough to put down cell phones devices connected to the internet, young teenagers in particular. Now, reports are alarming and putting the number of warning signs especially in front of parents because of the large drop in adolescent’s happiness since the smartphones have become teens bread and butter. Things may become worse for you to reading the stats that an average teenager spends more than seven hours in front of the screen of cell phones and other devices connected to the cyberspace. So, parents, especially in modern societies, are looking forward to hidden screen recorder to monitor screen time of the adolescents and teens on their mobile phones.

Excessive screen Time Decrease in psychological well –being on teens

The report “Decrease in Psychological well –being among American teens and children after 2012 is associated with excessive screen time since the rise of cell phone technology”, was published in Monday Journal Emotion with the context of a national survey of eighth, 10th, and 12th grades regulated annually by the University of Michigan. The teenage generations of 2012 have problems of low self–esteem, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness compared to the teenage generation of the early 1990s.

It’s been also found that excessive time on the screen including internet, social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, texting, gaming, YouTube and video chat cause issues among teens and adolescents. Moreover, the finding also stated that regular usage of the smartphone screen uses to teenage depression and anxiety.

Therefore, technology has to come up with the tools like screen recording app that enable parents to prevent teens from the use of social media all day long and other cell phone activities. Have you listened to the words “We limit how much technology our kids use at home” Steve Jobs said that.

Why to use secret Screen recorder on YouTube, Instagram & Snapchat?

Obviously, teens and adolescents screen time on their cell phones, tablets, and computer devices is been on the rise. So, working parents or single mother don’t have much time to keep a secret eye on their teens and children all day long. The technologies in the shape of excessive time to spend time on screens cause digital dementia and other psychological issues. Parents have to use such technology that let them know how much time kids and teens on their cellphone screen and what they are doing on YouTube Instagram and Snapchat while having their meal, beyond the school gates and while laying on their beds at night. Let’s get to know about teens and children why they spend hell amount of time on Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.

New PEW Research Center Survey

YouTube and Snapchat are most frequently used online platforms among teens and teens. However, 95% of teens own their cell phones devices and 45% of teens say they are always staying online. Moreover, 52% of teens say they use Instagram, 41% says they use Snapchat and 60% of teens use YouTube social platform all day long in their smartphones connected to the internet, PEW Research center stated that.

Teen’s activities & statistics on YouTube usage

  • 49% of teen’s uploaded videos on YouTube and video could be about self–obscenity
  • 63% of teens watch YouTube on regular basis for a variety of reasons
  • 75% of teens take advice from YouTube social platform videos regarding relationships/dating, teen’s latest trends, and how to look nice?
  • 1 out of 2 teens watch YouTube for having fun, entertainment and multiple types of content including carnal content
  • 64% of teens share their videos on YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and on other social media platforms.

So, when you mixed up all the time they have spent doing these activities, it seems they have a very hectic schedule and ultimately it causes plenty of health-related issues among teens. Therefore, parents need to use the screen monitoring software for cell phones.

Solution: YouTube screen recording app

It enables parents to record all the activities kids and teens have performed on the YouTube using cell phones and gadgets screen. Parents will be able to see the YouTube screen recorded videos through YouTube screen recorder.

  • Kids & teens visited videos
  • Uploaded videos on YouTube channel
  • Overall visited content on a social media channel

Teen’s activities & stats on Snapchat usage

  • Almost 95% of teens have their phones & 35% of single day activities spent on Snapchat
  • 42% female teens use Snapchat & 29% make teenager uses Snapchat on their cell phones
  • Hispanic teens use 29% Snapchat & 23% of black teens love to stay on the instant messaging app
  • Snapchat is one of the most used social media app including YouTube and Instagram
  • Teens use Snapchat for sharing short videos in the form stories

Solution: Snapchat screen recording app

It allows parents to track the activities of teens and children by tracking the Snapchat screen on their mobile phones connected to the internet. Further, you can monitor screen by making short videos of the screen when instant messaging app is activated on the target device screen and you can get to know about the activities.

  • Sent/received text messages
  • Text conversations
  • Snapchat logs
  • Group conversations
  • Shared multimedia

Teen’s activities & statistics on Instagram usage

  • 41% of teens reportedly stated that they use Instagram
  • Instagram is one of the top 3 widely used social messaging apps among teens worldwide
  • 15% teens say they use Instagram compared to the Snapchat 35%, and YouTube 32%
  • Yet 63% of 13-17 years old teens use Instagram on regular basis compared to the 54% of Snapchat
  • Most of the teens use Instagram for sharing photos, texting and for video chat

Solution: on-demand screen recording

It is the best tool to record Instagram activities on your target device screen when social media app is activated. It will allow the user to make back to back short videos in real –time of the screen using the on-demand screen recorder. Then you will be able to know the reason behind screen time on the target mobile phone screen.

  • Sent/received text messages
  • Shared photos
  • Shared videos
  • Video chat


YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular instant messaging and social platforms among teens world. That’s why these have become the major reason among teens for excessive screen time on cell phones and you can use the screen recorder for android to track all the time spent along with activities of teens and children on these platforms.