Hiatus, of a Long-Term Nature

By Bluestalking @Bluestalking

To all my wonderful readers over the past six or seven years (?), I thank you. It's been a joy meeting and knowing you. I'm taking a detour, leaving blogging and reviewing to pursue other things. I will be on Goodreads, hanging out there and chatting about books casually, when the spirit moves me. Otherwise, I am just tired. And I think it's time I packed up shop.

I'm going to print the complete archives of Bluestalking and publish it for myself, to keep the memories. It's all been wonderful.

If you want to find me swing by Goodreads and friend me. For those who know me well, on Facebook. That's how I'll be reachable from now on, as I'll be changing my email address in the very near future.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.