Hi everyone!Sorry for the Long Absence (once Again). This...

By Vegsmoothiebunny
Hi everyone!
Sorry for the long absence (once again). This blogging this is quite hard to keep up! But all your love keeps drawing me back :)
If you follow me on instagram, you would know that I just returned from Tokyo (favorite city ever!) right in the midst of my house being renovated. It's been hard to eat clean (but I've been doing okay!) or rush deadlines much less blog! As it is, they just installed new toilet bowls today so for the past few days I literally did not even have a sink nor a toilet bowl in the house. HAHA (not so hilarious when you urgently need to answer nature's call) hehheh.
Nevertheless, I'm doing well and have lots of stuff to share! As you can see, the blog is undergoing a revamp (again!), this time taking into account all your feedback for more accessible links to recipes etc.
I really hope everybody is doing well! It's almost the end of the 2013. Am going to be giving away stuff for Christmas (all in good cheer because I LOVE CHRISTMAS!). More details soon so check back often in Dec! (Give me a couple of days to put things together)
Most importantly, keep that smile on your face and have an absolutely beautiful day! Let's end this year on a high! WHOO!