Hey, You. Yeah, You. The One Glaring at My Crying Baby on the Plane.

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

Hey, You. You with the single sleek carry-on who keeps glaring at my crying baby on the plane.

Yeah, you. With the kindle and the cufflinks and the fresh beverage.

I know my baby is crying.  No, there is nothing I can do about it.

You wanna know who is suffering more than you are on this plane?


Yep. Because I want this to stop more than you do. I realize that my child is disturbing everyone and there is nothing I can do about it. I’m stressed, exhausted, and feeling completely helpless right now.  I can feel the eyes bearing down on my neck.  I’m also sweaty, because, well, you try and contain a crying child after hauling no less than 100lbs of luggage plus a baby through an airport. No fresh beverage for mommy. Nope.  I’m busy trying to put lace-up knee-high boots on an octopus.

Yes, I see you glaring at my baby but quickly turning away as soon as I look at you because, you know, you’re real brave and all to glare at a baby but not at the mother.

Yes, I’ve tried everything. Trust me. This is one of those situations where every parent, every single one says to their kid “I’ll give you anything if you just keep quiet. Any. Thing. A donut? Candy? Ice cream? Sure, If you stop crying I’ll buy you the whole damn truck.”  And then wonders about the ramifications of drugging their kid with copious amounts of benadryl next time…

Oh, I should just control my kid better? Yeah, because controlling another human being is super easy, right? How’s that working out for ya in your relationship?

You wanna know why my baby is crying? Her ears hurt. Yep. You know that indescribable thing you do inside your head to release pressure when it builds up in your ears? Babies don’t know how to do that. So, odds are, babies are crying on planes because they are in pain. Or they are scared. Or exhausted. Or all three.

Their parents are also in a lot of pain. I promise.

So here’s an idea. Rather than cowardly glaring at my baby, why don’t you offer a helping hand? You know what might help?


Let me know that you understand. Offer a smile and an understanding nod. Let me know that, although you don’t remember it, you were once a baby too and cried at inopportune times as well.  Not your style?  Fair enough, just a smile and a wink as you put those earplugs in will do just fine.

But please stop with the staring, glaring, and audible sighing. Trust me. No one is suffering because of my child screaming more than me right now.

live well. be well.