Hey, Early Adopters, Your Future Cell Phone Charger Is Gonna Be A Total Conversation Starter At Parties!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Industry Week reports that British scientists have used “science” to create a fuel cell that uses urine to power cellular phones and send text messages.

From a scientist quoted in the article:

“One product that we can be sure of an unending supply is our own urine…”

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Was the British Scientist quoted in a pub? We’d bet there’s more likely to be an unending supply of urine there than other British locations, like, say the Eye.

2. Who were the lucky recipients of the urine-powered text messages and what did the texts say? Perhaps something like “I hope I don’t drop my iPhone in the loo ag…” If only they could have held on to the phone long enough, they could have made the best uses of the Queen’s English and added a sad face emoticon.

3. When will it be time to replace a smart phone charger with a cat litterbox? Not only will we save energy, but cats who are smart enough to type, like the adorable ones we see on You Tube will finally be able to tell us what they’re thinking. And if we’ve learned anything from Garfield comic strips, they’re thinking “LASAGNA!”