Hesus as Jesus as a Butchering of Druidic Teaching I.e. Christianity.

Posted on the 25 September 2015 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

I've always loved this comparative graphic on the subject of 'the Messiah'

in this sporadic Free Planet series dealing with 'ancient ancestors', I was looking into the famous Druids of ancient Britain (allegedly slaughtered by the invading Romans on Anglesey in AD 60) and came across this totally-out-there interview with Atlantis-fanatic Michael Tsarion c/o Red Ice Radio on this very subject.
Tsarion sets the scene of an Atonist vs Amenist war in Egypt that became a war against the Druids. Matriarchy vs Patriarchy. And who were these so-called Christians in UK? Well, eventually, the invading Roman Empire. The door is a druidic symbol.
Esus or Iesous or Jesus, is a God known thousands of years before Christianity - Hesus is a DRUIDIC GOD and this is the core of Tsarion's contention - he unpicks Gaul and Golgotha and Galilee and other Gallic-derived Druidic nomenclatures. According to Tsarion, there's no historical evidence for Jesus's hometown of Nazareth. Ireland and England are the true Garden of Eden.
It's a rivetting RIVETTING listen, seriously.