I am eagerly awaiting the premier of good old Downton Abbey, whose setting takes place at Highclere Castle! What an amazing structure Highclere Castle is, steeped in history and drama. The original Highclere was a Georgian Mansion that in 1838 the 3rd Earl of Carnarvon hired Sir Charles Barry to transform this into a truly grand castle! The interior structural work was finally completed in 1878. The castle became the center of politics and life in the Victorian Era.Downton Abbey was based on Lady Almina, daughter of the wealthy industrialist Alfred De Rothschild was married off to the 5th Earl of Carnavon turned the Mansion into a hospital for the wounded soldiers during World War I. There are sorted details about Almina being the illegitimate daughter of Rothschild and the Earl truly marrying her for her millions! This juicy story which I think the premise of Downton Abbey was based one can be found in a great book-"The Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy Of Highclere Castle".Here are some remarkable views of this stunning Castle! Enjoy and have a great weekend! Credits: Highclerecasltle.co.uk
The Original Georgian Mansion prior to reconstruction.
Book Available on Amazon.