Here the Best Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

Posted on the 13 July 2019 by Healthywikihow @healthywikihow
You can get quick relief from the symptoms of poison ivy by using ingredients you can find in your kitchen cabinet that can help you make some home remedies. Home remedies for poison ivy can be an excellent complement to traditional medical treatment. You will be amazed at how many home remedies are available. You can use baking soda, vinegar, and oatmeal among other soothing and effective home remedies when you have to deal with a poison ivy rash.

Home remedies for poison ivy

There are so many home remedies for poison ivy and they can be easily prepared. For an easy home remedy, you can boil oatmeal and let it cool for a while. When it is ideally warm, apply it to the affected area. Apply the mixture until a thick layer is formed. You should be relieved from the oozing and itching as the mixture dries and harden. A classic homemade treatment includes baking soda. Mix one teaspoon of water with three teaspoons of baking soda in order to get a thick paste. Apply the mixture to the affected area and let it dry. Some poison ivy sufferers have tried another method that involves baking soda. Add half a cup of baking soda to your bath for a soothing bath experience.

Effective home remedies for poison ivy

For instant relief from the awful itching, sprinkle some vinegar on blisters or rash. Not everyone loves the smell of vinegar, but it may help heal the affected area. For better results, you should use apple cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar. Banana peel is also one of the many effective home remedies for poison ivy. You can get an instant cooling relief if you rub the inside of a banana peel on your poison ivy rashes. The banana peel is known as the miracle cure for poison ivy. Aloe Vera gel can also aid in the healing of poison ivy and sooth the itch. Apply dish-washing liquid to the affected area directly from the bottle. Rinse it with cold water to get relief from the itching.

Helpful home remedies for poison ivy

Acorn can have a soothing effect to your rash. Boil the cracked acorns, strain the remaining liquid and let it cool. Once the liquid is cool apply it to the rash. One of the home remedies for poison ivy includes rubbing alcohol. It provides antiseptic and cooling qualities. Buttermilk can draw the blister fluids out. Don’t use this method in case you are allergic to milk. You can also use yogurt because it also soothes the skin. Bleach can be used as a home remedy as well, but make sure it is diluted. It actually dries the blisters and keeps infection and crusting at bay. The dosage is half a cup of bleach in a full bathtub so that you can soak. However, if you notice unusually high swelling and very rapid redness, make sure you see a doctor right away. These are the symptoms of severe allergic reaction to poison ivy.